The Association of the Tractor and Trailer Operators – ATTO represent the members of the logistics operators on the Maltese islands connecting the state of Malta to the world. Our members offer road services across Europe to/from Malta. The members fulfil the clients’ request by providing them valuable solutions. The customers base is composed of aviation, fashion, food, pharmaceutical, semiconductors industries. The members are proud to say they carry 70% of their exports/imports to/from Malta.
Bil-għan li jkun hawn aktar sigurtà fit-toroq Maltin, trailers u kontejners mitluqin u pparkjati illegalment fit-toroq jew f’żoni partikolari, inkluż fiż-żona ta’ Ras il-Ħanżir u ż-Żona Industrijali ta’ Kordin, li tinsab biswit, se jkunu qed jitneħħew.
READ MOREONE.COM.MT • Fid-dawl ta’ regolamenti ġodda dwar l-ivvjaġġar u t-trasport fl-Unjoni
READ MOREATTO is pleased to have managed to out together a Supplement Magazine dedicated to the Trailer Sector in Malta. This was a historical achievement for our industry.
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NOUV, Triq MRO Frank Galea,
Zebbug ZBG9019, Malta
(+356) 9947 3326